R.E. Return to Play
To Players and Guardians,
As we return to our playing fields all will not be as it was before. In order to minimise risk there are a 3 steps each player or guardian need to take before they or their children can return to play.
1. E-Learning module to be completed with Certificate sent to your teams covid supervisor. The E-Module takes approx. 20-30 mins to complete. Your certificate shall be generated at when module is complete and can be screenshotted to send to your teams covid supervisor: https://returntoplay.gaa.ie/
2. Health questionnaire must be completed prior to return to training or games. The easiest way to do this is online via the following link: https://returntoplay.gaa.ie/ . We encourage all to do this online where at all possible to ease workload on covid supervisors. Simply register your or your child(rens) details to register. Once the questionnaire is filled in once it can simply be re-submitted each time you have training and the Covid supervisor can admit player to train.
3. All players and coaches must be registered with the club in 2020. This is not a new requirement but a reminder that all players have to be registered to be covered by insurance to train or play or to be eligible to play in any competitive matches. Link to register: https://member.clubforce.com/memberships_cart_m.asp?LL_ID=1335&CLB=1
Please help our supervisors and coaches by completing these necessary steps to get back out on our playing fields.
We are aware that the Covid virus has not gone away. We are not placing any pressure on any player to return to playing. We are taking all recommended measures to reduce the risk but we cannot eliminate this risk. If you or our child shall not be returning please let your coach know.
If you have any questions please contact your covid-supervisor for your team or any of the following contacts:
Joan Mullen, Secretary. Secretary.owenmoregaels.sligo@gaa.ie. 087 2533477
Niall Hodgins, Treasurer. Treasurer.owenmoregaels.sligo@gaa.ie 087 7609420
There is also lots of useful information online at www.gaa.ie
Yours in Sport,
Owenmore Gaels Executive Committee
Art Nicholson (Chairperson), Joan Mullen (Secretary), Niall Hodgins (Treasurer)